Do Good. Feel Good.

Let Us Handle The Books.

Get Empowered With Passionate Bookkeeping and Guidance

We Believe In The Power Of Social Impact

We're committed to empowering people & organizations with purposeful missions to make a real difference in the world. Our 'Bookkeeping for Good' initiative combines passion and expertise with a commitment to giving back. When you choose Levelled, you're not just getting top-notch bookkeeping; you're also supporting micro-businesses and fostering economic empowerment in underserved communities.

What is Bookkeeping for Good?

It's our way of paying it forward. For every cutomer we serve, we provide FREE financial resources and mentorship to a micro-business in need. We believe that by working together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change

Hear From The Co-Founders:

  • "We believe that financial clarity is essential for social impact. Let us handle the books so you can focus on making a difference."

  • "Our greatest rewards come from seeing our clients provide clean water to remote villages or social enterprises creating jobs for marginalized communities... we're proud to play a small part in their incredible stories."

Get the Tools You Need to Thrive!

Choose Your Resource:

  • Non-Profit Grant Compliance Checklist

  • The Social Entrepreneurs Financial Sustainability Checklist

  • Checklist for Measuring Social Impact

Gain valuable insights to streamline your books & maximize your impact!

  • Ensure you're meeting all grant requirements & reporting standards

  • Build a solid financial foundation and achieve long-term sustainability.

  • Track and demonstrate the positive impact you're making in the world!

See How We've Helped Others Level Up...

Hear From Our Clients:

  • "They helped me turn my passion for social impact into a sustainable business making money! I'm forever grateful for the guidance and support of the team." - Donnie L., Co-Founder, Green Solutions Now

  • …they have truly been a partner in our social impact journey. Wendy helped us measure our impact, create a sustainable model, and even navigate the complexities of transitioning to a nonprofit. The passion for our cause and mission is evident in everything they do." – Jerrika K., Founder of Empowering Youth Initiative

Your Mission Matters.

Bookkeeping Shouldn't Hold You Back.

Downloadable Resources Give You What You Need To Streamline & Focus On What Truly Matters. Join our #BookkeepingForGood movement, give back to ones in need.


Bookkeeping with Heart: Empowering Others To Build Financial Strength & Stability. Bookkeeping, Advisory, and Resources Tailored For Purpose-Filled People and Mission-Driven Organizations

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